This trauma workshop has been hosted in several nations, here is more information and testimonies.
When science, human biology and the ancient Bible scriptures meet in agreement, Heaven kisses earth.
It is a simple truth that we are not able to offer something we don’t own ourselves. This work is the culmination of my journey seeking answers from the Lord over a period of 7 years on how to deal with the deep dark layers of trauma, that in some measure, hides in every human being’s life.
Everything that we suffer in this life and overcome is for the benefit of others. 2011 was a very traumatic year for me when I lost both my husband and mother to cancer. Even though I was walking the path of holiness and obedience in full time ministry, I suddenly experienced triggered fears that caused my whole body to react and catapult my thoughts into a troubled orbit that was illogical, but real.
Though this fear pattern was not triggered often, it did happen consistently when I was subjected to certain circumstances. I was acutely aware that if I did not deal with this small stone in my shoe; it would certainly disqualify me from being conformed to the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ, our predestined legacy!
I was very aware and grateful for the working of the Holy Spirit, like a divine magnifying glass, targeting and dealing with my spots and wrinkles. Though I realized that the fear trigger was seated in a traumatic birth experience and other childhood trauma, all my efforts to overcome this fear pattern never really seemed to hit the victory mark until one glorious day early in June 2018 when the Holy Spirit supernaturally started to guide me to research the causes and healing of trauma!
During this workshop I give you the healing tools I discoverd in my divinely lead journey from trauma to glory – by the word of our testimony we overcome! My prayer for you is that through this testimony you will overcome as you apply these principles in your life. I will share with you each piece of the puzzle as I received it from the Ruach, Holy Spirit, and how I applied these principles in my own life until victory broke through and I started to find rest for my soul.
Someone once said if you cannot simplify something it means you do not understand it. Having said that, in this writing I endeavor to simplify the role of very complex issues in the healing process like epigenetics, the human nervous system, quantum physics, the chemisty of essential oils and more. The motto is K. I. S. S. as in Keep It Simple Saint! A highlight is our session where we will unveil the secrets and role of essential oils, the healing power of the anointing that destroys the yoke.
The key to understanding and working with the effect of trauma is that it needs to be dealt with on all three levels of our existence, body, soul and spirit. I discuss modalities on all these levels to give you understanding as well as tools to work out your own trauma spots with fear and trembling to become the true overcomer that you have been destined to be; and to move closer to that place that Yeshua spoke of in John 14:30 when He said that the evil one has Nothing in me!
God desires to bring us back into perfect sonship. Therefor He transforms our DNA to become sons of light, similar to the transfiguration of Yeshua while on the mountain where His face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as the light.
All creation is awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God so that the greater works that Yeshua spoke of can be done and the glory of the Lord can cover the earth as the waters cover the seas. You were born for such a time as this!
Here are some testimonies from people who attended workshops and read the book.
Rheta, I just want to say thank you for your obedience to Abba to have come to Namibia. I appreciate and honour you in Him.
I’ve been met at the place I’m at-dealing with my soul wounds, having the ingredients but no recipe.
Two prominent things stood out and something supernatural happened that brought change in my life:
- When we breathed in ABBA’s Love something just happened, I don’t know what, it’s like a Wave, soaked in a Love Embrace I’ve never experienced…on ABBAs lap my head against His Chest hearing His Heart beat for me, a place of deep intimacy, my tears just flowed (all I had in my bag was a KFC serviette to wipe my tears with).
- When we went to the place/memory of conception. I felt so unwanted, like as if I’m a survivor of an abortion. I felt instantaneous relief of rejection I’ve experienced my whole life.
Since I can remember I always woke up with anxiety and Sunday morning I woke up realising for the 1st time in my 41years on earth I woke up peacefully. My mind kept drifting back to what we did and what happened and the results, I’m in awe of what ABBA Father is doing in me, I believe something is still happening….
I give Him all the praise,honor and glory. Thank you. Desiree Windhoek
Today, the Healer, the Healing Balm of Gilead, Himself , was in our midst with the purest of fragrance. Passing each of us by as we entered in to be in His Presence. The touch of His heart was tangible. Love flowed freely bringing refreshment as it flowed as liquid gold into every crack and every crevice. Our G-d is Amazing. Thank you that we all could share in this experience in such shalom as His gentle Spirit blew over us. What a love packed time together. Thank you Retha. Pastor Eunice
Precious Retha, due to serious generational rejection and trauma in the womb, the Lord has taken me on a deep journey of restoration for the last 21 years. However, i could never deeply say i am free and walking in God’s perfect love as something was still amiss. After reading your book and only getting to Chapter 4 as the Lord is dealing with SO much in the process, I am learning that, without dealing with trauma, you are never deeply free. Yes, there is a certain level of deliverance and freedom, but you have not come to a place where you can truely declare: Your perfect love casts out ALL fear and I WALK in Your perfect love. After the Lord started helping me deal with the trauma as well, I can say with deep conviction: I am truely free and walking in His love. May I boldly declare for me, deliverance without dealing with trauma, is not sustainable. Therefore I am deeply blessed with your book and the GIFT of the key the Lord has given us through you. And I honour you for your stewardship of this life-giving revelation. Lots of love. Erna from East London, Eastern Cape
Hi Retha. My name is Beverley Allies. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the profound Holy Spirit orchestrated – “From Trauma to Glory” ………Caused many healing processes in my life as you proclaimed healing over us individually, our family and our nation. The Lord highlighted my religious spirit. Truly knowledge is power and when u hear the truth it shall set you free.. Most forms of abuse I was exposed to had caused the trauma in my life. The one thing that stood out in my life is how unsafe I felt when my father was around. When God ordain He will do a new thing in the earth and rebuild the old waisted places truly I believe this with all my heart. The order of God is being restored in my life and surely I need to affect and infect everyone by taking dominion – God’s authority is restored in my life. My testimony starts the very day you ministered on trauma. We had a family gathering with some of my cousins whom I have not seen for 20 years and I could testify immediately of what God has been saying through you and they could share their trauma wow it was like God’s healing balm just came over us. I also have a testimony of how the holy spirit changed my words by always saying “I kill plants”. I decided that I can take dominion over all things that my words can speak life. Oh my word I can go on and on with how my life has changed. Thank you so much. Please continue this assignment God has given you. Love Bev
It is with great excitement that we are writing this testimony as to what God has done for us and our ministry at this historical conference with Retha Venter. Our lives were impacted in an unusual way. Understanding the negative impact that TRAUMA have on our being, we could yield to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in a positive way and found deliverance in some of the areas of our lives. Personally I was so encourage with the knowledge that I received because now I am able to bring a greater measure of healing and deliverance to my people. What has happened in our ministry is that there was a great awakening for each one personally and even our relationships with Father have become more intimate. Husbands have taken back their positions in their homes as the spiritual leaders of their families. People`s attitude towards giving has changed and it is such a joy to see what this conference did for us and our people. We not where we want to be yet, but thank God we not where we use to be before this awesome conference. We thank God for Retha and her obedience and we pray God`s abundant blessings upon her life.
God bless. Apostle Henry and Pastor Astrid Mitchell
Ons as die bruin Khoisan mense het nooit besef wat ons waarde behels en hoekom God ons gemaak het soos ons is. God het rerig vir Retha in ons lewens gestuur om lig te werp op wat Hy beplan vir ons. Ons verstaan nou werklik wat TRAUMA is en wat dit veroorsaak. Ons het baie swaar gekry omdat ons die dinge nie verstaan het nie, en nou het ons hierdie waardevolle inligting informasie ontvang. Ons ook nou meer begrip oor ons identiteit en die roeping wat God op ons lewens geplaas het. Ons kan nou al hierdie informasie deel met ons familie lede en andere.
Dankie Retha . Die Here seen. Peter and Christina Carelse ( Cape Town )
Hello when I got given your book it was supernatural I had Caroline Leaf’s book the perfect you and I was trying to break generational ties and work through all the trauma in my 66 year old life then your book came along and it just put all the puzzle pieces together and helped me so much unfortunately though I got very very sick on and off since December last year three lung infections and 3 times in government hospital 6 weeks ago they basically sent me home to die nobody can actually believe I’m still alive cut long story short I’ve had to move into a frail care facility as cannot look after myself and give up my little home and everything I had including seeing my little grandson all the time but I’m making such progress I’m out of nappies I can stand I’ve started taking a few steps eating well etc I have so prayed for My beautiful Father God to heal me so once again your book has come to my rescue in trying to deal with the trauma of the past few months thank you I so wish more broken people like me could read it and get helped God Bless Theresa
Workshop getuienis 27 Julie 2019 Ek het altyd gedink daar is iets fout met my……. Hoekom kan ek nie oorwinning kry oor dit wat my terughou nie……..”Abba Vader ek verstaan nie” was telkemale my vraag aan Hom.
Ek het na Retha Venter se Workshop gegaan met ‘n groot verwagting……Groot was my verbasing – want Abba Vader het my verwagtinge heeltemal oortref. Ek het besef dat alles wat in my kop en binneste gewoed en gemaal het was heeltemal normaal……vir die eerste keer besef ek wat trauma is en wat dit aan mens doen!
Heilige Gees het my met soveel hoop gevul op daardie dag. Ek het begin om Retha se boek te lees en die dinge toe te pas wat daarin geskryf is. Daar is so baie dinge wat verander het…my geloof in my Vader het gegroei, ek het n groter mate van outoriteit ontvang. Waar ek nou vir iets bid of iets “decree en declare” weet ek dit gaan so wees! Ek het meer self vertroue en boldness gekry. Die bonatuurlike het begin plaasvind in my lewe. My ingesteldheid op die lewe en die toekoms is meer positief as voorheen. My verhouding met Abba Vader, Jesus en Heilige Gees het gegroei. Ek het so n dankbaarheid in my hart en kan nie genoeg dankie se nie! To our Father be all the Glory. Juliet Saldanha
Ek wil graag my getuienis ook gee aangaande genesing gedurende die werkswinkel vandag: die afgelope tyd het ek baie pyn gehag in my linker knie wat ook my heup aangetas het, moes 4 pille deur die dag drink vir die pyn, vanoggend was ek bietjie haastig want my vriendin sou my oplaai helaas vergeet om my pille te drink…..iewers deur die oggend het eh besef ek het nie pyn nie …so die genesing het vandag werklik gevloei in die byeenkoms en nog steeds sonder pyn, dankie JESUS! en vir almal wat vanoggend moontlik gemaak het, groete in JESUS se naam! Saldanha
Hi Retha jammer dat ek nou eers antwoord. Was bietjie besig die laaste tyd. Het n ongelooflike tyd met jou boek. Daai boek sal die bevryding onder ons mense bring wat ons weer kan laat teruggaan na ons ware geloof en kultuur. Ek wil graag weet of jy n presentation sal kan kom doen by ons bosberaad oor jou boek en natuurlik jou mandaat ten opsigte van die khoi mense. Ons beplan vir middel volgende maand op n naweek of miskien kan jy se wanneer jy beskikbaar is dan kan ons aanpas. Die khoi dink ek is gereed vir die finale hekkie om uit sowel die fisiese slawerny sowel as die geestelike slawerny los te breek. Boek het my ook na n volgende vlak van my geestelike lewe gevat. Laat weet maar my suster wat beweeg op die wolke soos n Arend. Gangans khoi groete. Elroy
Ek Lees nou vir die eerste keer From Trauma to Glory en dit het my in trane by die gedeeltes wat jy moet bid en die heilige gees comfort my so ….en ek moes baie goed repent en vergewe en by gedeeltes kry ek niks woorde uit nie ek breek net ….Dit was bedoel dat ek dit nou moes Lees dit het soveel waarhede omtrent my en ek kon God se onveranderlike liefde ervaar en net weet dat Hy my bitter baie lief het en om Sy teenwoordigheid te ervaar was amazing –Melkhoutfontein
Vandat ons die konferensie begin beplan het , kon ek voel daar is ‘n geveg aan !!
Ek kon dit nie regtig verstaan nie , maar ek was bevoorreg om die boek te begin lees voor die konferensie ; en die boek : Trauma to Glory is regtig geskryf vanuit die troonkamer van Abba , in die boek is daar “tools ” om ons self te help om vry te kom om in oorwinning te lewe – kragtige tools …en wie het ons liggaam gemaak ? Abba Homself …. die boek was vir my ‘n groot openbaring ! oor baie traumas wat nog nie opgelos in my eie lewe nie …. en ek het waaragtig al alles probeer om vry te kom en elke gebed gebid wat daar is – ek was in die middel van Retha se gebed , toe het ek besef daar is groot fout nog by my eie trauma’s ….. daar is trauma wat nog glad deurgewerk is nie …. die salwing op die boek is kragtig !! ‘n genesings salwing rus op die boek en ek glo dit sal deur elkeen vloei wat die boek lees ….
En glo my ek Suandra het gedink ek is klaar met my trauma , ek het mos daarmee gedeel , deel van dit was vergifnis : en soos Retha deel in die boek vergifnis en trauma is twee verskillende goed – Retha dankie vir jou gehoorsaamheid om hierdie boek te skryf , ‘n kragtige tool in elkeen se hand , veral in my hand wat ook ‘n berader is ….
Saterdag oggend se konferensie ,sjoe baie kragtig was dit en soos Retah bedien het , het ek gevoel hoe die “wolk” lig ….. Sy het dit so aangebied dat elkeen wat nie trauma verstaan nie , dit tenvolle verstaan het , asook die wat gewonder het : ” wat is fout met my ? ” – wat vir my so awesome was , jy kon Abba se Ruach voel in die vertrek , Hom sien werk en bo alles het hy net gekom en Soene gesit op ons trauma – en by my toe ek die olies begin ruik en dit aansmeer was dit asof daar binne in my iets losgebreek het …… lewende waters van joy het uit my uit geborrel , ( ek glo net die reuk van Yeshua het alles net losgemaak binne in my ) ..haar essentiele olies waarmee Abba haar gebless het om te meng ……ek dink nie ek het woorde om dit reg te beskryf nie as net ” Heaven on earth ” Retha ek wil jou seen met Abba se vrede vir die konferensie in Douglas en die wat nog gaan volg met Trauma to Glory – Sussa gaan voluit ..Abba sal die deure net oopmaak vir hierdie genesings boek (tool) ….. Lief vir jou Retha
Blessings Suandra